Our sincerest thank you to everyone who has made this company possible!
The saying “It takes a village”, is a reality for DanceAspen. We are grateful and humbled by the outpouring of support by our community. We couldn’t be more fortunate than to live in the beautiful Rocky Mountains and create and share our art.
Thank you to all of our donors past, present and future. We couldn’t do this without your support!
January 2024 to present
Gail and Boogie Weinglass
Susan and Larry Marx
Ruth Ann Carver and Jim Schmidt
DOUBLE BLACK DIAMOND - $25,000 to $49,999
David and Jenny Altenau
Barbara and Rick Beckwitt
John Mahedy
Jeff Grinspoon and Jon Foley
Peter and Mike Gilbert
Steve Gillman
City of Aspen
BLACK DIAMOND -$10,000 to $24,999
Kimsey Foundation
David Gerstenhaber
Craig Melville
Ron Speaker
Soffia Wardy
Richard Edwards
Adam and Melany Lewis
Susan Doran
Patrick and Naomi Davila
James Lillie
Jacqueline Shear
HIGHLANDS GOLD - $5,000 to $9,999
Doug Anderson
Rachel Bowler
Les Dames D’Aspen
Christine Gerschel and Peter Dahl
Golda and Sheldon Friedstein
Yoly and Mark Davis
Christine Hakim
Colette Kelsey
Lorraine Schiapiro
Kelli Stanton
Ken Hubbard
Aimee and Robert Lehrman
Amy and Brian Etchison
Mike and Laura Kaplan
Lisa and Michael Cader
Ferguson Schindler Law Firm
John and Malo Harrison
Keith Naftaly and Nathaniel Bisson
Robin and Kenny Smith
SNOWMASS SILVER - $2,500 to $4,999
David Gitlitz
Tina and Larry Mehren
Jan and John Sarpa
Russell Libby
Barbara Fleck
Mona and Tony Mazza
Matthew Ferguson
Michael Goldberg and Ramona Bruland
Jamie Larson
Nic DuBrul
Stacey and Presley Reed
Ashley Wein
FOUNDING MEMBERS- $500 to $2,499
Samantha Altenau and Joseph Staron
Sarah Attman
Amy Barrow
Linda S Boyne
Denisse Cordova
Jessica Finigan
Mark Freirich
Nancy Mayer
Ashley Satterfield
Edward Sullivan
Kari Wells
Aspen Thrift Shop
Charla Belinski
Nelson Beville
Nathaniel Bisson
Shirley Bittner
James Bolger
Helga Fisch
Tom and Louise Clark
Mimi Gitlin
Luis Henriquez
Ricki Newman
Doren M Pinnell
Rudi and Caryn Scheidt
Melissa Temple
Laurel Gilbert
Cheryl Goldenberg
Ward Hauenstein
Alexander Higbie
Dorothy Lebach
Julianna Leigh
Kim Levin
Rochelle Miller
Lisa Rigsby Peterson
May Selby
Charlie Stein
Wendy Wetmore
Meredith Reed
Ruth Sutton
James Bolger
Aspenglow Foundation
Doug and Lynda Weiser
Jerome and Patti Webster
Cynthia Calvin
Bruce Etkin
Mindy Grodofsky-Gilmore
Jessica Hite
Mac McShane and Cynthia Calvin
Madeleine Scott
Mark and Amanda Tamis
Karen Williams
Robin Fitzpatrick
Richard and Marianne Kipper
Susan McIntire
AnneAdare Wood
Roger Hibbard
The Aspen Institute
Wendi Sturgis
David Newberger
Robin and Neal Buchalter
Lynn Holland
Susan Capiel
Mark Brown and Steve Brint
Angela and Charles Cunniffe
Laurel Catto
Pam Fleck
Don and Mary Ann Harrill
Don Johnson
Jan Patterson
Diane and Doug Strahan
Gary Wicklund
Jamay and David Shook
Thomas Cooper
Sheryl and John Holloran
William John Stolz
Leslie and Baron Concors
Paul Cathers and Rachel Bower
Barbara Hines and Gilbert Scharf
Andrew Cader
Melony Lewis
Russ Robinson
Lynne Wheat
Andy Prodanovic
John Ball
Sarah Manning
Philip Strauch
Candice Olson
Gigi Durand
Renee Fleisher
William Fulmer
Mel Ronick
Gary Smith
June Zwan
Emily Franc
Linda Maslow
Julie Friedman
Sarah Diamond
Tom Carr
Rebecca Donelson
Danielle Chock
Studio Core LLC
Thomas Kinkead
True Nature Healing Arts
Ulrick Rosemond
Mark Joseph
John and Joyce Helm
Patricia Fox
Barbara Stirling
Caitlin Geary
Corey Friedlander
K Raj
Ned Sullivan
Susanne Shimp
Aspen Chamber Resort Association
T. Richard Butera
Scott Gallagher
Jeni Ptacek
John T Sellman
Vlad Enache
Allison Wolsey
Gordon Bronson
Nicholas Ducasse
Lisa Speaker
Enrica Gorran
Mi Ryung Sung
Candice Oksenhorn
Andrew Pollesel
Brian Hatley
Jaclyn Carr
Mitchelle and Jolene Julis
Lauren and David Chazen
Melissa and Rick Muller
Jack Sutton Fine Jewelry
Bindi Bhagat
Alpine Bank
Andrea and Robert Marriott
Ken Hitchner
Nicole Goss
Jeanne Caruselle Katz
Violetta Grosshandler
Rebecca Mirsky
Chelsea Rae Clark
Aspen Skiing Company Family Fund
Stephanie O'Connell
Andrew Ernamann
Emre Barlas
David Meryash
Leah Gallant
Robin Wrinn
KOR Aspen
Above The Title Entertainment
Mary Bahr
Joyce Amico
Michael Chock
Amanda Barajas
Chantal Henderson
Christopher McMahon
Amy and Tom Carr
James Ellis
Timberline Bank Aspen
Rickey Lamitie
Richard Pearlstone
Heidi Buddig
Nicole Easley
Tom Williams
Robert and Corynne Winters
Garfield & Hecht
Carrie Ford
Daniel Bernstein
Jeff Weiss
Poem Swentzell
Keith and Chelli Webster
Karen Setterfield
Justin Douglas
Kristina Sorge
Mark and Jennifer Styslinger
Justin Haynes and Christine Ramello
Soledad and Bob Hurst
Mary Ann and Bruce Tittle
Judith Zee Steinberg
Meg and Nate Dodge
Jennifer Moses
Madeleine and Wayne Larson-Riser
Angi Wang
Marni Pozil
Jacques and Stephanie Stivelman - Rimes
Steven Damerow
Alexandra Yajko
Virginia Harlow
Amy Roldan
Doreen Clavell
Kimberly Taets
Katherine Roberts
Stacey and Chad Simon
Peter and Sandy Johnson
Nicole Levesque
Alchemy Photography
Mark Lewis Enterprises
Kim DeCarlo
Mary Kramer
Christie Potter
F. Patrick Listermann
Evan Supple
Gabrielle Rafelson
Ashley Kendall
Sarah Sohn
Natalie Voss
Daniel Benavent
Jacquelyn Kasabach
Lawrence LaFevre
Katie Dehler
Cassie Lewis
Judith Schramm
Amy Barrow
Rachel Nance
Jill Boyette
Valentina Jackson
Janet Stolle
Heidi Gregori-Gahan
Amy Olson
Jeffrey Bernstein
Gloria Marcus
Leah Seider
Russell Rothberg Vera Wagman
Daryl Grob
Meridian Jewelers of Aspen
Mara Morris
Sidney and Sandy Brown
Alan Feldman
Jennifer Johnston-Jones
Michael Zeff
Charles and Susan Bantis
Bunny and John Harrison
Leslie Duval
Julie Williams
Michael and Caryn Bedzow
Lane Johnson
Jamie Tisch Foundation
The Jerome Hotel
The Lane and Mary Dickinson Charitable Gift Fund
Omaya Sherif
Wolfred Charles Attal
Angela and Henry Hite
Sean Sunkel
Hillary and Scott Simon
Craig and Jessie Hoagland
Rachel and Ephraim Gildor
Zadig and Voltaire
Ryan Rogers
Lawrence Lucchesi
Jewish Communal Fund
Allison Bone
Marie Friedstein
Sheryl and Ron Schreiber
Marci Morgan
Matthew Tate
Jordan Zachary
Wendy Mitchell
Betsy and Brian Leach
Jim Denney
Gabrielle Greeves
Christine Karnes
Caroline Christensen
Chantel Ramsey
Edward and Paula Mason
Jennifer Johnston-Jones
Laura and Gary Lauder
JJ and Sonu Singh
Linda Mintz
Courtney and Chris Souki
Harold Grinspoon and Diane Troderman
Erin McGuire
Paul and Amy Fox
Sara Friedle
Setterfield and Bright
Carolyn Ann Landis
Pepper Weinglass
Amelia Marksz
Bill White
Marcia and Donald Flaks
Marianne and Deirdre Farrell - Venables
Luke Willis
Robert Brockman